Our IAC Paper, “Advancing Diversity in Space – challenges and successes from a non-profit organisation” is available online now! Written by Rania Djojosugito, Raoul Cardellini, and Scott Scoular with input from Naveed Moeed, Khush Shah and Franco Labia, this is Space Pride’s first report.
It details why Space Pride is necessary for the space sector, as well as why LGBTQ+ advocacy is still necessary today. The report also highlights work undertaken by Space Pride, as well as stories from our community on their experience in the space sector. It includes data showing why inclusion is important for companies, as well as steps they can take to be more inclusive. Finally, it includes a list of local LGBTQ+ groups in communities across the world, providing a starting point for organisations to learn about what advocacy is necessary in their local context as well as giving them a direct way to support local communities. Let us know what you think below!